Why You Should Practice Gratitude

Over the July 4th holiday weekend I had a chance to visit with longtime family friends and their young children. It was an amazing couple of days filled with boat rides, fireworks and great food. But the best part of the visit was our time together.

Their three children (6, 10 & 12) were anxious to plan out each following day. “What’s next?!” They thought they needed structured activities, however, when left to their own devices they came up with brilliant ideas. They invented their own games and savored the downtime. Essentially, they were forced to slow down and live in the present moment. And in doing so, they created their own fun.

This is precisely the way life used to be when we were kids. We didn’t have all the fancy toys and electronics. We just played. We made up games and everyone played by the rules we thought up. Life was simple.

Today, we are so caught up in the hustle and bustle, always trying to figure out what’s next. Only it doesn’t have to be this way. Just like my friends’ kids used their time windfall to create and discover, we too can find our bliss in the unhurried moments of our lives. Rather than filling every waking moment with activities, simply try being still. When we slow down, we’re able to make time for what really matters.

As we grow older and have more time, it’s important to spend it wisely by pursuing endeavors that help us learn more about ourselves. As Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar says, do a me-search. Invest in self-exploration, find out what really fills you up. Temporary highs are just that - temporary. What we really need is contentment. This is our time to live our best lives.

According to Dr. Ilona Boniwell, “…having a balanced time perspective has many benefits. People are happier, they have better relationships with family and friends, enjoy their communities a lot more, have less stress and a better health, are more successful in work and career, and have a more positive perception of time.”

Gratitude leads us, step by step, to living a life of happiness, contentment and fulfillment. Find joy in the stillness and be grateful.

I’d love for you to join me for a free 30 day gratitude challenge starting August 1st! We’ll have a private Facebook group where each day for 30 days, we’ll post something we are grateful for. This will be a safe and welcoming environment where we will share, encourage and inspire each other.

Start your path to a happier, healthier life this summer through the practice of gratitude. Sign up below!