Why Oprah Practices Gratitude (And You Should Too)

Oprah Winfrey has been a proponent of practicing gratitude for many years. She spent an entire decade faithfully journaling five things she was grateful for each and every day.

Here are some of her entries from October 1996:

  1. A run around Florida's Fisher Island with a slight breeze that kept me cool.

  2. Eating cold melon on a bench in the sun.

  3. A long and hilarious chat with Gayle about her blind date with Mr. Potato Head.

  4. Sorbet in a cone, so sweet that I literally licked my finger.

  5. Maya Angelou calling to read me a new poem. 1

Oprah was diligent for a while, and then life got busy (as it does for all of us) and her practice waned. Journaling had taken a backseat to the many other tasks that filled her personal and professional life.

Time marched on and, even though she had more abundance in her life than ever before, Oprah noted her happiness had not increased. Something was missing, and it wasn’t until she revisited her gratitude journal and her entries above, that she realized what it was.

Life is always busy. There are always a million things we need to do. But as Oprah stated, “The difference is, I'm back to journaling—electronically—and whenever there's a grateful moment, I note it. I know for sure that appreciating whatever shows up for you in life changes your personal vibration. You radiate and generate more goodness for yourself when you're aware of all you have and not focusing on your have-nots.” 2

Today Oprah is back to gratitude journaling. Doing so electronically is a great option for those who are constantly on the move. There’s one thing we are never without these days, and that’s our smart phones. Why not use the very technology that distracts us and keeps us so busy, to also help us be present and savor the good in our lives?!

It can be tough to keep up a practice when life gets overwhelming, but establishing a gratitude routine provides so many substantial benefits. Having experienced this first hand, I know I don’t want to live without these benefits. When I’m actively working on feeling grateful, I sleep better, my overall health is better, and I just feel better all around.

When my gratitude dwindles, it becomes so easy to go down the rabbit hole of negativity and scarcity. When I notice this happening, I know I have to up my gratitude practice. I do this, not just by journaling, but also taking pictures, doing things for others, etc. They don’t have to be huge things; the simple things are really what improve our lives and the lives of those around us.

If you find your gratitude practice falling off, remind yourself of how good you feel when you keep it up. Life is so much better when we take time to be present. Make your happiness a priority, be kind to others, and your heart will always be full.

1, 2 https://www.oprah.com/spirit/oprahs-gratitude-journal-oprah-on-gratitude